Article's fields

In addition to, in fact, the content, each article contains several additional fields you can modify. Here we are going to describe the meaning of each of them.

Main fields

  • Internal number (labeled with # symbol) - any unique number associated with your article. If you use your own numeric identifiers for documents inside your company/team - this field might help. It's also very useful for quick finding of an article.
  • Title and Short Title are usually the same. Short title is used in the table of contents (on the left side during the article screening);
  • URL - the path where the article will be published;
  • Excerpt - summary of the article content. Used for displaying the article on the page of the section and in search results. If Excerpt field is empty, there you can see the first paragraph of your article.
  • Extra Info - ny additional information, which will be not be publically available and only visible for the other team members (within

SEO parameters

Here you can setup different article parameters which are important for the search engine optimization:

  • Title - this value will go to <title>...</title> tag. Set it only if you want to have a different value from the main article's title which will be used by default.
  • Description - will be used in <meta name="description" ... > tag. You can leave it empty as well. In such case the value of Excerpt field will be used.
  • Other meta tags - place here any other meta tags which you would like to inlcude to your article. Open Graph tags and Schema tags are added by default so you just need to set their values properly.
  • NoIndex and NoFollow will be used in <meta name="robots" ... tag included to your artcile. Please note, that you can remove the whole knowledge base from search engine indexing by setting a similar option for the whole KnowledgeBase.
  • Canonical URL - in case your article is published two times by different URLs, you can use this option to specify the canonical one.